"Back to school, back to school, to prove to my dad that I'm not a fool. I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight OH back to school, back to school, back to school".........name that movie!
Anyways, unfortunately do to a rather extensive summer class schedule, Brittany's summer just wasn't nearly enough. I am so proud of how hard she has worked not just on grad school, but on preparing for her third year of teaching. For those of you who didn't hear, Brittany will be teaching Science and History for 4th and 5th grade this year at Excel Christian Academy in Cartersville, where she has taught the last two years. For nine weeks, she will teach Health instead of Science. Although she might not admit it, I think she is excited about it and it shows by her constant determination to be the best teacher she can be and it is so apparent that God has given her a unique gift not only to teach children, but to engage them and relate to them in a powerful way. Her students are lucky to have her as a teacher and I'm the luckiest guy in the world to be able to call her my wife.
This past weekend I spent in Buckhead running sound and leading worship for a Youth For Christ Conference. It was a really good time with great people, hearing some great speakers and just spending time with other believers. I felt privileged and honored to be a part of that weekend and hope to help out again next year. However, I am so ready for a weekend of not having anything to do. After traveling to Vidalia this coming weekend for a wedding, my hectic schedule will calm down a good bit and I am so ready for that.
God is good. No really, I don't just say that just to say it. I find myself so often feeling "comfortable" in life, or complaining about things I really have no business complaining about whether it be work, people, or just random circumstances of life that bring about confusion or what have you. The point is, God truly is good and is constantly working for my good, and for all those who have been redeemed by the blood of Christ. No matter how much I suck, how much I take credit for things God did, how often I hurt those closest to me, or how many times I decide sleep or TV is more important than quality time with the Lord, his love is rich and free and always there and God continues to work things together for my good and ultimately His glory and that stops me in my tracks and causes me to respond to him in worship. I have been so blessed to have a loving wife, a place to live, amazing friends and family, a job, and on and on and on and on, countless things in my life that come from the Lord which is so easy to take for granted. While writing this very post I am just overwhelmed all of a sudden with the goodness and glory of Christ amidst my rebellion, sin, and shortcomings. What a mighty God we serve! Jesus is completely sufficient for me and I long to make my life a sacrifice of praise that makes His name greater. I pray that encourages you today.
Hayes Party of Two